O grande plano para actual crise económica mundial conforme me foi explicado por Daniel Estulin
A "Focus" publicou na semana passada um artigo, da autoria do meu camarada Carlos Correia, sobre a edição em português do livro "Clube de Bilderberg" de Daniel Estulin...

Aproveitando a oportunidade para divulgar o artigo, perguntei a Daniel o que pensa sobre a actual crise económica mundial. Quis saber se a mesma se deve a um plano maior ou se, desta vez, até mesmo os grande empresários foram apanhados desprevenidos e não conhecem as soluções.
E Daniel mandou este texto como resposta:
"In a Bilderberg report from 1996 I came across a phrase which unfortunately took me too long to understand. The phrase was 'DEMAND DESTRUCTION'.
To be honest with you, I completely forgot about the phrase because amongst other reasons I was still new to Bilderberg and did not understand too many things to concern myself with this one phrase...Untill 2002, when I came across this phrase again, but this in a Club of Rome report and CFR report. By then, I had established a very good professional relationship with a very important member of the World Bank who was very critical of Bilderberg and their plans. I asked this person (won´t tell you if it is a he or a she) what 'demand destruction' meant. This person asked me. 'How do you destroy demand?' I said through Wars, would be one way.
'Yes, may be. But there is a much easier way', this person said to me.
'You destroy demand by destroying world economy ON PURPOSE'.
'Why would the elite want to do that?', I asked.
'To protect the energy reserves of the planet for the wealthy. You see,' this person told me, 'if people are poor, they don’t buy, travel spend... You need energy and natural resources to do all that. By destroying their wealth you can destroy them'.
That´s what Club of Rome and Bilderberg plan of 'Zero Growth' is all about. By the way, the idea of zero growth was presented to the American public by Paul Volcker in the late 1970s, when he was Chairman of Federal Reserve. Who does Volcker work for today? That´s right, Barak Obama!".

Aproveitando a oportunidade para divulgar o artigo, perguntei a Daniel o que pensa sobre a actual crise económica mundial. Quis saber se a mesma se deve a um plano maior ou se, desta vez, até mesmo os grande empresários foram apanhados desprevenidos e não conhecem as soluções.
E Daniel mandou este texto como resposta:
"In a Bilderberg report from 1996 I came across a phrase which unfortunately took me too long to understand. The phrase was 'DEMAND DESTRUCTION'.
To be honest with you, I completely forgot about the phrase because amongst other reasons I was still new to Bilderberg and did not understand too many things to concern myself with this one phrase...Untill 2002, when I came across this phrase again, but this in a Club of Rome report and CFR report. By then, I had established a very good professional relationship with a very important member of the World Bank who was very critical of Bilderberg and their plans. I asked this person (won´t tell you if it is a he or a she) what 'demand destruction' meant. This person asked me. 'How do you destroy demand?' I said through Wars, would be one way.
'Yes, may be. But there is a much easier way', this person said to me.
'You destroy demand by destroying world economy ON PURPOSE'.
'Why would the elite want to do that?', I asked.
'To protect the energy reserves of the planet for the wealthy. You see,' this person told me, 'if people are poor, they don’t buy, travel spend... You need energy and natural resources to do all that. By destroying their wealth you can destroy them'.
That´s what Club of Rome and Bilderberg plan of 'Zero Growth' is all about. By the way, the idea of zero growth was presented to the American public by Paul Volcker in the late 1970s, when he was Chairman of Federal Reserve. Who does Volcker work for today? That´s right, Barak Obama!".
Etiquetas: A regra do medo, Barack Obama, Bilderberg, combate ao terrorismo, crise, Daniel Estulin, Paul Volcker
5 Comentários:
Estou boquiaberto...
É tão simples e básico que ninguém se lembraria disto...
Raios... e como ficam os anti-bildergers - tipo eu - que simpatizam com a filosofia primitivista, que assenta exactamente no "crescimento zero"?
Só fazem um desgraçado plebeu preocupar-se e questionar até com aquilo em que acredita, todos os dias, esta gente e as suas conspirações elitistas.
A guerra também a criaram. É aterrador.
Outro plano que já está em andamento: chip nas matriculas.
Para já vai apenas obrigar mesmo quem não tem via verde a ter o pagamento electronico de portagens. Mas na realidade vai servir para aumentar o desemprego porque vai ser extinta a profissão de portageiro.
Caro Frederico: você é uma preciosidade! Onde está? O que faz, além de descobrir debaixo de uma qualquer pedra, o maior segredo, o grande drama, o maléfico plano para a destruição do planeta.?
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