Quem realmente matou Holly e Jessica?

When British police arrested Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr during the early hours of Saturday 17 August, on suspicion of the abduction and murder of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, they did so in the certain knowledge that absolutely no hard evidence existed incriminating either suspect. The reason for the rapid arrests was very simple: Just hours earlier, two small bodies had been found near the perimeter fence at USAF Lakenheath, and the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street was terrified of a massive political scandal involving American servicemen based in, or transiting through, the United Kingdom.

Para saber mais sobre a conspiração em volta do caso das duas meninas ingleses assassinadas no Verão de 2002, cujo julgamento dos presumíveis autores espera a sentença do tribunal de Old Bailey, em Londres, é só ver aqui.

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